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Hunt Available For A Draw Tag Holder 305 Northeastern CA Bull Elk Hunt

Hunt Available For A Draw Tag Holder 305 Northeastern CA Bull Elk Hunt

June 19, 2018 by

Looking For A Solution To Connect To Prospective Hunters

Unfortunately, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife currently does not provide guides with a list of successful applicants for the states big game draw.  While we are like anyone and fully expect our privacy to be protected.  However, there is a simple solution.  The CDFW has a full functional online application system and they could easily put in place a check box, for hunters who apply for and they can select on each species whether they wish to be contacted by a guide if they draw, it's really that simple.  Those who have been drawn could be exported to a spread sheet and made available to any current licensed guide.  I have proposed exactly this to CDFW now for three straight years, with no progress.  In fact, I was told that if a hunter wants a guide they will find you, I get it but why not for maybe 1 hour of programming to the application system, make it an option.  Furthermore, I've heard from 2 hunters this year that were in fact contacted by an out of state outfitter looking to boost their California business, whom have somehow managed to get premium hunt draw results for applicants.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it was probably acquired unethically and providing them a distinct advantage over others, the drive to be famous can cause ugly by products, it has become big business.

So we are left in with trying to reach 15 Draw tag holders in a state of 39.54 million people, not an easy task.  Even with Google being a huge powerful search engine, I know I don't always find what I'm looking for when I search the world wide web.  Or I'm left weeding through outfitters that are no longer in business or looking at articles or information that is 10 years old.

305 Northeastern California Rocky Mountain Elk Hunt Private Land Opportunity

We understand that buying a guided hunt is not for everyone and we totally respect that, if you want and can do it yourself we are 100% in support of that.  However, these premium hunts are becoming increasing if not a once in a lifetime hunt but for sure a twice in a lifetime and I'd venture that very few if any hunter will ever draw 3 California elk tags in a lifetime.  I know if it is me, with that type of tag we are looking for as much help as possible to make this hunt everything it can be and hopefully stack the deck in our favor to be successful.  

So for those who may want the assistance of a guide, we are looking for you.  The Northeastern California Rocky Mountain Elk Zone has the opportunity to rival bulls in the best western states that are far more publicized like Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.  While I'll be the last to preach about 400" bulls the unit truly has the possibility to produce it and it doesn't have to be on private land the zone has some great public land hunting.

On our hunt we will be searching to produce a bull for our client that will post a B&C Score between 340-370 inches.  We find that our biggest hurdle to hunting these bulls each year is to get a chance to speak to those who have drawn the tag and maybe looking for a guide.  We hope you can help, if you know someone who has drawn, we'd love to talk with them.

The last rifle hunters we had were a draw tag hunter and an Apprentice hunter in 2015.  The trophy hunter was able to take a 348" B&C bull that was busted up, we had been after the bull for 3 days.  We had a trail camera picture of him 2 days before we harvested him and he was fully intact and we estimated would have been in the 380" B&C class.  These bulls are big and old, he was cementum age at 10 years old.  We have a great bull to cow ratio and the fight hard, so late in the season busted up racks are the norm.

SC2 Outdoors Northeastern California Bull Elk

Draw Tag Holder's - We Are Waiting To Here From You

We are asking for the power of social media to help us with our search.  If you or someone you know has drawn a tag for the 305 Northeastern California Bull Elk Hunt Zone, please contact us to see if we are a right fit for you and your coveted tag.  If your planning on a Do It Yourself hunt we sincerely wish you the best and hope your hunt is a great success in both the adventure and the life long memories you will have captured along the way, CONGRATULATIONS on your tag.

Thank you for taking your time to read our blog and enjoy your time afield.

SC2 Outdoors Northeastern California Rocky Mountain Elk

SC2 Outdoors Northeastern California Elk Hunt

Posted in: California Rocky Mountain Elk Hunting